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Comprehensive Guide to Phoenix Component Security

Security is like a fortress; it has multiple layers. These layers work together to not only prevent attacks but also minimize damage if an attack occurs. Therefore, the better you isolate and control the components of your system, the more effective your monitoring and protection can be. This article discusses security in Chelekom and Phoenix components.

What is Security in Phoenix Components?

The Phoenix framework leverages decades of Erlang and Ruby experience and provides a secure and robust architecture from the ground up. However, this does not mean that developers should ignore security. Leaving all security concerns to Phoenix is a big mistake, and security should be taken seriously at every level of the software.

Are Other Inputs Not Important?

A common misconception among developers is that if there is no direct input, there is no attack risk. This is incorrect because attacks can be carried out simultaneously through multiple paths, creating a chain of vulnerabilities. Individually, these issues might not seem significant, but together they can lead to a severe security flaw.

Does Phoenix Ensure Complete Security?

If we assume that Phoenix is always completely secure, does that mean we no longer need to check for security? This assumption is false. For instance, vulnerabilities like SSTI (Server-Side Template Injection) still exist, and despite all efforts, template engines can still have security issues. Moreover, browsers can play a significant role in facilitating attacks because they try to correct user errors and, with new features, can inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities.

Why Should We Sanitize and Validate Input Data?

It is recommended that, as a developer, you take at least the minimum necessary steps: input data received from users, especially data that is reflected as HTML, should always be validated and sanitized before use. This step helps prevent many attacks. This becomes particularly important when you are using editors to receive and display complete HTML content.

Security Status of Chelekom Components

Chelekom components are similar to others in terms of security. All input and output should be carefully controlled, and limiting the display scope reduces risk. Additionally, if your component includes JavaScript, the JavaScript parts must also be secured, using safe libraries.

Using Task Generators for Better Security

Often, low-level development teams aim to create general infrastructure products that can't impose the specific constraints needed by each business. This is where task generators come in handy. By placing each component separately in your project, they provide better opportunities for securing your code.

The Role of Static Analyzers in Phoenix Security

Using Phoenix static analyzers adds an extra layer in the development environment that helps enhance security. It is recommended to use static analysis tools and resources like the EEF Security WG and Phoenix LiveView Security considerations to improve the security of your projects.

Which Parts of Components Can Be Vulnerable?

Requests from the client to the server and vice versa in Phoenix LiveView are sent using protocols like WebSocket. Therefore, it is essential to know that both the client and server sides can be subject to attacks. It doesn't matter if your component is stateless or stateful, or whether it uses LiveView JS modules or phx-hook; in all cases, minimum security practices must be followed.

Implementing Rate Limiting in Phoenix Components for Request Control

In Phoenix, rate limiting and request control are responsibilities of the developer. You can define rules to limit how often users can make requests, such as controlling the number of page requests or limiting actions like "liking" a post.

For example, when implementing pagination, you may allow users to navigate pages but enforce a rate limit to avoid excessive database hits within a short time frame. Similarly, you could limit the number of likes a user can send per second to prevent abuse and maintain server performance.

Example: If you want to allow users to navigate pages quickly but not overload the server, you can use a rate limiter to permit a maximum of, say, 5 page changes per second.

CSP Policy and other security headers

We have tried to test the components in various scenarios and thoroughly cover the areas that each component needs to handle. One of these topics is the compatibility of components with the CSP header, which has been well implemented in our tests. It is worth mentioning that if a component has requirements in this regard, it will be addressed in its own section of the documentation.

What should you do if you find a security problem?

If you find a security problem, please contact [email protected] .