Input component
Certain props are shared across all form-related components, and you can find them in the form wrapper.
By using the class prop, you can apply custom classes or Tailwind CSS classes to customize the appearance and behavior of the gallery, allowing for flexible design changes.
is a built-in component in Phoenix's form system, providing a flexible input field that supports all standard HTML input types. It is part of Phoenix’s form components that can be placed in a single file, allowing you to handle various input types such as text, password, email, url, and more, with the default styling and behavior of Phoenix LiveView. This simplifies form creation by maintaining a consistent UI across different form fields while offering the flexibility to customize the input type as needed.
<.input_field name="name" value="" type="text" label="Full Name" /> <.input_field name="add" value="" type="text" label="Adress" /> <.input_field name="tel" value="" type="text" label="Phone" /> <.input_field name="zip" value="" type="text" label="Zipcode" /> <.input_field name="email" value="" label="Email" /> <.input_field name="job" type="select" label="Choose your Job" value="true" options={[ {"foo", 1}, {"bar", 2} ]} /> <.input_field name="start-houre" value="" type="datetime-local" label="Start office hour" /> <.input_field name="start-day" value="" type="datetime-local" label="Start office day" /> <.input_field name="" value="" type="checkbox" label="Terms" /> <.input_field name="sal" value="" type="range" label="Salary" />